Published Books and Special Issues
Chapters in the books
Selected Papers
- Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Absorption of sound in liquid He», Sov. Phys. JETP 29, 719 (1969)
- Luk'yanchuk B.S., Semiz D.M., «Damping of zero–sound in Fermi liquid», Sov. Phys. JETP 33, 578 (1971)
- Bunkin F.V., Kirichenko N.A., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Thermochemical action of laser radiation», Physics–Uspekhi 25, 662 (1982)
- Bunkin F.V., Kirichenko N.A., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Structures at laser induced oxidation of metals», Physics–Uspekhi 30, 434 (1987)
- Nanai L., Hevesi I., Bunkin F.V., Brook M.R., Shafeev G.A., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Jelski D.A., Wu Z. C., George T.F., «Laser–induced metal deposition on semiconductors from liquid electrolytes», Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 736 (1989)
- Bäuerle D., Luk'yanchuk B., Piglmayer K., «On the reaction–kinetics in laser-induced pyrolytic chemical–processing», Appl. Phys. A 50, 385 (1990)
- Luk'yanchuk B., Bityurin N., Anisimov S., Bäuerle D., «The Role of Excited Species in UV–Laser Materials Ablation. I. Photo-physical Ablation of Organic Polymers», Appl. Phys. A 57, 367 (1993)
- Luk'yanchuk B., Bityurin N., Anisimov S., Bäuerle D., «The Role of Excited Species in UV–Laser Materials Ablation. II. The Stability of the Ablation Front», Appl. Phys. A 57, 449 (1993)
- Karlov N.V., Kirichenko N.A., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Macroscopic Kinetics of Thermochemical Processes on Laser Heating: Current State and Prospects», Russian Chemical Reviews 62, 203 (1993)
- Anisimov S. I., Bäuerle D., Luk’yanchuk B.S., «Gas-dynamics and film profiles in pulsed–laser deposition of materials», Phys. Rev. B 48, 12076 (1993)
- Luk'yanchuk B., Bityurin N., Anisimov S., Arnold N., Bäuerle D., «The Role of Excited Species in UV–Laser Materials Ablation. III. Nonstationary Ablation Regimes», Appl. Phys. A 62, 397 (1996)
- Anisimov S.I., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Luches A., «An analytical model for three–dimensional laser plume expansion into vacuum in hydrodynamic regime», Appl. Surf. Sci. 96 - 98, 24 (1996)
- Luk'yanchuk B., Bityurin N., Anisimov S., Malyshev A., Arnold N., Bäuerle D., «Photophysical ablation of organic polymers: The influence of stresses», Appl. Surf. Sci. 106, 120 (1996)
- Luk'yanchuk B., Bityurin N., Himmelbauer M., Arnold N., «UV–laser ablation of polyimide: From long to ultrashort laser pulses», Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 122, 347 (1997)
- Luk'yanchuk B., Marine W., Anisimov S.I., «Condensation of vapor and nanoclusters formation within the vapor plume, produced by ns– laser ablation of Si», Laser Physics 8, 291 (1998)
- Arnold N., Luk'yanchuk B., Bityurin N., «A fast quantitative modeling of ns laser ablation based on nonstationary averaging technique», App. Surf. Sci. 127 - 129, 184 (1998)
- Puretzky A. A., Geohegan D.B., Hurst G.B., Buchanan M.V., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Imaging of Vapor Plumes Produced by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption: Plume Sharpening Effect», Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 444 (1999)
- Marine W., Patrone L., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Sentis M., «Strategy of Nanocluster and Nanostructure Synthesis by Conventional Pulsed Laser Ablation», Appl. Surf. Sci. 154 - 155, 345 (2000)
- Lu Y.F., Zhang L., Song W.D., Zheng Y.W., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Laser writing of sub-wavelength structure on silicon (100) surfaces with particle enhanced optical irradiation», JETP Letters 72, 457 (2000)
- Zheng Y.W., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Lu Y.F., Song W.D., Mai Z.H., «Dry laser cleaning of Particles from Solid Substrates: Experiments and Theory», J. Appl. Phys. 90, 2135 (2001)
- Anisimov S.I., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Selected Problems of Laser Ablation Theory», Physics–Uspekhi 45, 293 (2002)
- Huang S.M., Hong M.H., Lu Y.F., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Song W.D., Chong T.C., «Pulsed–laser assisted nanopatterning of metallic layers combined with atomic force microscopy», J. Appl. Phys. 91, 3268 (2002)
- Huang S.M., Hong M.H., Lu Y.F., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Song W.D., Chong T.C., «Pulsed laser–assisted surface structuring with optical near–field enhanced effects», J. Appl. Phys. 92, 2495 (2002)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Arnold N., Huang S.M., Wang Z.B., Hong M.H., «Three–dimensional effects in dry laser cleaning», Appl. Phys. A 77, 209 (2003)
- Huang S.M., Hong M.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Wang Z.B., «Nanostructures fabricated on metal surfaces assisted by laser with optical near–field effects», Appl. Phys. A 77, 293 (2003)
- Bityurin N., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Hong M.H., Chong T.C., «Models for laser ablation of polymers», Chemical Reviews 103, 519 (2003)
- Wang Z.B., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Hong M.H., Lin Y., Chong T.C., «Energy flows around a small particle investigated by classical Mie theory», Phys. Rev. B. 70, 032427 (2004)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Wang Z.B., Song W.D., Hong M.H., «Particle on surface: 3D–effects in dry laser cleaning», Appl. Phys. A 79, 747 (2004)
- Huang S.M., Sun Z., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Hong M.H., Shi L.P., «Nanobump arrays fabricated by laser irradiation of polystyrene particle layers on silicon», Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 161911 (2005)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Tribelsky M.I., Ternovsky V., «Light scattering at nanoparticles close to plasmon resonance frequencies», J. Opt. Tech. 73, 371 (2006)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Ternovsky V., «Light scattering by thin wire with surface plasmon resonance: bifurcations of the Poynting vector field», Phys. Rev. B 73, 235432 (2006)
- Tribelsky M.I., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Anomalous light scattering by small particles», Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 263902 (2006)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Tribelsky M.I., Ternovsky V., Wang Z.B., Hong M.H., Shi L.P., Chong T.C., «Peculiarities of light scattering by nanoparticles and nanowires near plasmon resonance frequencies in weakly dissipating materials», Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9, S294 (2007)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Tribelsky M.I., Wang Z.B., Zhou Y., Hong M.H., Shi L.P., Chong T.C., «Extraordinary scattering diagram for nanoparticles near plasmon resonance frequencies», Appl. Phys. A 89, 259 (2007)
- Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Li L., Crouse1 P.L., Liu Z., Dearden G., Watkins K.G., «Optical near–field distribution in an asymmetrically illuminated tip–sample system for laser/STM nanopatterning», Appl. Phys. A 89, 363 (2007)
- Guo W., Wang Z.B., Li L., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Whitehead D.J., Liu Z., «Near–field laser parallel nanofabrication of arbitrary–shaped patterns», Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 243101 (2007)
- Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B., Guo W., Edwardson S., Whitehead D.J., Li L., Liu Z., Watkins K.G., «The influences of particle number on hot spots in strongly coupled metal nanoparticles chain», J. Chem. Phys. 128, 094705 (2008)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Qiu C. –W., «Field enhancement in spherical particles with weakly dissipating anisotropic materials», Appl. Phys. A 92, 773 (2008)
- Qiu C.-W., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Peculiarities in Light Scattering by Spherical Particles with Radial Anisotropy», Journal of the Optical Society of America A, JOSA A 25, 1623 (2008)
- Wang H.F., Shi L.P., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Sheppard C, Chong T.C., «Creation of a needle of longitudinal polarized light in vacuum using binary optics», Nature Photonics 2, ¹7, 501 (2008)
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Flach S., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Kivshar Yu.S., Tribelsky M.I., «Fano Resonances: A Discovery that was not made 100 years ago», Optics & Photonic News, The Magazine of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 19, ¹11/12, 48 (2008)
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Chong T.C., Shi L.P., Tribelsky M.I., Wang Z.B., Li L., Qiu C.-W., Sheppard C.J.R., Wu J.H., «What we expect from weakly dissipating materials at the range of plasmon resonance frequencies», IEEE PhotonicsGlobal@Singapore (IPGS), Vols. 1&2, pp. 187-190 (2008), DOI 10.1109/IPGC.2008.4781348
- Wu J.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Chen H.L., Liu A.Q., «Light-Driven Acoustic Band Gap Based on Metal Nanospheres», Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 74, 17 (2009)
- Li L., Guo W., Wang Z.B., Liu Z., Whitehead D., Luk’yanchuk B., «Large-area laser nano-texturing with user-defined patterns», J. Micromech. Microeng. 19, 054002 (2009)
- Khoo E.H., Liu A.Q., Zhang X.M., Li E.P., Li J., Pinjala D., Luk’yanchuk B.S., «Exact step-coupling theory for mode-coupling behavior in geometrical variation photonic crystal waveguides», Phys. Rev. B 80, 035101 (2009)
- Huang S.M., Wang Z.A., Sun Z., Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B., «Theoretical and experimental investigation of the near field under ordered silica spheres on substrate», Appl. Phys. A 96, pp. 459-466 (2009)
- Bakunov M.I., Mikhaylovskiy R.V., Bodrov S.B., Luk'yanchuk B.S., «Reversed Cherenkov emission of terahertz waves from an ultrashort laser pulse in a sandwich structure with nonlinear core and left-handed cladding», Optics Express, Vol. 18, ¹2, pp. 1684-1694 (2010)
- Wang Z. B., Naveen J., Li L., Luk’yanchuk B.S. «A Review of Optical Near-Fields in Particle/Tip-assisted Laser Nanofabrication», Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 224, pp. 1113-1127 (2010)
- Lim C. S., Hong M. H., Chen Z. C., Han N. R., Luk’yanchuk B., Chong T.C., «Hybrid metamaterial design and fabrication for terahertz resonance response enhancement», Optics Express, Vol. 18, ¹12, pp. 12421-12429 (2010)
- Wang Z.B., Guo W., Li L., Liu Z., Luk’yanchuk B., Chen Z.C., Hong M.H., «The optical microscopy with virtual image breaks a record: 50-nm resolution imaging is demonstrated», arXiv:1006.4037v1 [physics.optics] (21 Jun 2010)
- Evlyukhin A.B., Reinhardt C., Seidel A., Luk’yanchuk B., Chichkov B.N., «Optical response features of Si-nanoparticle arrays», Phys. Rev. B.82, 045404, (2010), July 2010
- Luk’yanchuk B., Zheludev N.I., Maier S.A., Halas N.J., Nordlander P., Giessen H., Chong T.C., «The Fano resonance in plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials», Nature Materials 9, ¹9, pp. 707-715 (2010)
- Fan X.F., Shen Z., Luk’yanchuk B., «Huge light scattering from active anisotropic spherical particles», Optics Express, Vol. 18, ¹24, pp. 24868-24880 (2010)
- Wang Z.B., Guo W., Li L., Luk’yanchuk B., Khan A., Liu Z., Chen Z.C., Hong M.H., «Optical virtual imaging at 50 nm lateral resolution with a white light nanoscope», Nature Communications 2:218 (2011) DOI: 10.1038 / ncomms1211(2011)
- Wang Z.B., Guo W., Li L., Luk’yanchuk B., Khan A., Liu Z., Chen Z.C., Hong M.H., «Optical virtual imaging at 50 nm lateral resolution with a white light nanoscope». Supplementary Information accompanies paper 54 at
- Rahmani M., Lukiyanchuk B., Ng B., Tavakkoli A.K.G., Liew Y.F., Hong M.H., «Generation of pronounced Fano resonances and tuning of subwavelength spatial light distribution in plasmonic pentamers», Optics Express, Vol. 19, ¹6, pp. 4949-4956 (2011)
- Eason K., Luk’Yanchuk B., «An explicit derivation of a relation between magnetization M and saturation magnetization Ms», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2011), doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2011.03.005
- Rahmani M., Tahmasebi T., Lin Y., Lukiyanchuk B., Liew T.Y.F., Hong M.H., «Influence of plasmon destructive interferences on optical properties of gold planar quadrumers», Nanotechnology 22, 245204 (2011), doi:10.1088/0957-4484/22/24/245204
- Tribelsky M.I, Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Y.S., Luk'yanchuk B.S., Khokhlov A.R., «Laser Pulse Heating of Spherical Metal Particles», ArXiv:1106.2431v1 [physics.optics] (13 June 2011)
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Luk'yanchuk B., Maier S.A., Kivshar Yu.S., «Antiferromagnetism of hybrid metamaterials», ArXiv:1107.1348v1 [physics.optics]
(7 July 2011)
- Eason K., Luk’yanchuk B., «Investigation of an Extended Magnetization Vector Constraint», IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, ¹10,
pp. 3803-3804 (2011), 1 October 2011
- Niu L.F., Zhang J.B., Fu Y.H., Kulkarni S., Luk’yanchuk B., «Fano resonance in dual-disk ring plasmonic nanostructures», Optics Express, Vol. 19, ¹23, pp. 22974-22981 (2011), 28 Oct 2011
- Rahmani M., Lukiyanchuk B., Nguyen T.T. V., Tahmasebi T., Lin Y., Liew T.Y.F., Hong M.H., «Influence of symmetry breaking in pentamers on Fano resonance and near-field energy localization», Optical Materials Express, Vol. 1, ¹8, pp. 1409-1415 (2011), 2 Nov 2011
- Tribelsky M.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Yu.S, Luk’yanchuk B.S., Khokhlov A.R., «Laser Pulse Heating of Spherical Metal Particles», Physical Review X 1, 021024 (2011), 27 Dec. 2011
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Luk’yanchuk B., Maier S.A., Kivshar Yu.S., «Optically Induced Interaction of Magnetic Moments in Hybrid Metamaterials», ACS Nano, Vol. 5, Issue 12, DOI: 10.1021/nn204348j (2011), 16 Dec. 2011
- Rahmani M., Lukiyanchuk B., Tahmasebi T., Lin Y., Liew T.Y.F., Hong M.H. «Polarization-Controlled Spatial Localization of Near-Field Energy in Planar Symmetric Coupled Oligomers», Appl. Phys. A 106, DOI 10.1007/s00339-011-6732-2 (2012)
- Ho J.F., Luk’yanchuk B., Zhang J.B., «Tunable Fano Resonances in Silver-Silica-Silver Multilayer Nanoshells», Appl. Phys. A 106, DOI 10.1007/s00339-012-6757-1 (2012)
- Qiu C.-W., Novitsky A., Gao L., Dong J.-W., Luk’yanchuk B., «Anisotropy-induced Fano resonance», ArXiv:1202.5613v1, [physics.optics], 25 February 2012
- Ding W.Q., Luk’yanchuk B., Qiu C.-W., «Ultra-high contrast Fano diode using uncoupled cavities», Phys. Rev. A 85, 025806 (2012), 27 February 2012
- Huang S.M., Wang Z.A., Sun Z., Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B., «The Near Field Properties of Colloidal Polystyrene Microspheres on Silicon», Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, Issue 12, pp. 10981-10985 (2011)
- Rahmani M., Lei D.Y., Giannini V., Luk'yanchuk B., Liew T.Y.F., Hong M.H., Maier S.A., «Subgroup Decomposition of Plasmonic Resonances in Hybrid Oligomers: Modeling the Resonance Lineshape», Nano Letters, vol. 12, (2012)
- Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Fu Y.H., Zhang J.B., Luk'yanchuk B., «Magnetic light», arXiv:1205.1610v1 [physics.optics], 8 May 2012
- Fu Y.H., Zhang J.B., Yu Y.F., Luk'yanchuk B., «Generating and Manipulating Higher Order Fano Resonances in Dual-Disk Ring Plasmonic Nanostructures», ACS Nano, Vol. 6, DOI: 10.1021/nn3007898 (2012)
- Fu Y.H., Zhang J.B., Yu Y.F., Luk'yanchuk B., «Generating and Manipulating Higher Order Fano Resonances in Dual-Disk Ring Plasmonic Nanostructures», (supporting information), ACS Nano, Vol. 6, DOI: 10.1021/nn3007898 (2012), 14 May 2012
- Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A. E., Fu Y. H., Zhang J. B., Luk'yanchuk B., «Magnetic light», Scientific Reports, Vol. 2, pp. 492 (6 pages), (2012), DOI: 10.1038/srep00492, Published 4 July 2012
- Rahmani M., Lukiyanchuk B., Hong M. H., «Fano resonance in novel plasmonic nanostructures», Laser & Photonics Reviews, pp. 1–21 (2012) / DOI 10.1002/lpor.201200021, Published online: 24 July 2012
- Luk'yanchuk B., Miroshnichenko A.E., Tribelsky M.I., Kivshar Yu.S., Khokhlov A.R., «Paradoxes in laser heating of plasmonic nanoparticles», New Journal of Physics 14, 093022 (2012), Published 13 September 2012
- Bastrukov S., Khoo J.Y., Lukiyanchuk B., Molodtsova I., «Micromagnetic theory of spin relaxation and ferromagnetic resonance in multilayered metallic films», arXiv:1210.2609 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci], 9 Oct 2012
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Kuznetsov A.I., Liu Wei, Fu Y.H., Neshev D., Luk'yanchuk B., Kivshar Y.S., «Magnetic light: Optical magnetism of dielectric nanoparticles», Optics & Photonic News, Vol. 23, No.12, p. 35 (2012)
- Fu Y.H, Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Yu Y.F., Lukiyanchuk B., «Directional visible light scattering by silicon nanoparticles», Nature Communications 4:1527, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2538 (2013)
- Tsiatmas A., Atmatzakis E., Papasimakis N., Fedotov V., Luk'yanchuk B., Zheludev N.I., de Abajo F.J.G.,«Optical generation of intense ultrashort magnetic pulses at the nanoscale», arXiv: 0681845 [cond-mat.mes-hall], 25 Mar 2013
- Wang Z.B., Yi Z., Luk'yanchuk B., «Near-field focusing of dielectric microspheres: Super-resolution and field-invariant parameter scaling», arXiv:1304.4139v2 [physics, optics], 23 Apr 2013
- Luk’yanchuk B.S., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Yu.S., «Fano resonances and topological optics: an interplay of far- and near-field interference phenomena», Journal of Optics 15, 073001 (2013), 3 May 2013
- Bastrukov S., Khoo J.Y., Lukianchuk B., Molodtsova I., «Magnetic-stress-assisted damping of magnetization precession in multilayered metallic films», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 341, pp. 75–78 (2013), 8 May 2013
- Ye H., Qiu C.-W., Huang K., Teng J.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Yeo S.P., «Creation of a longitudinally polarized subwavelength hotspot with an ultra-thin planar lens: vectorial Rayleigh–Sommerfeld method», Laser Physics Letters, Vol. 10, 065004 (8pp) (2013), 10 May 2013
- Chen Y.G., Kao T.S., Ng B., Li X., Luo X.G., Luk'yanchuk B., Maier S.A., Hong M.H., «Hybrid phase-change plasmonic crystals for active tuning of lattice resonances», Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 11, pp.13691-13698 (2013), 31 May 2013
- Prokopeva L.J., Guler U., Ni X., Fang J., Chandrasekar R., Drachev V.P., Shalaev V., Liu Z., Arnold N., Klar T., Korotkevitch A.O., Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B., Adams G.B., Kildishev A.V., «Cloud Computing Simulation Tools for Nanophotonics at», 29th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 24-28, Monterey, CA, pp. 735-740 (2013)
- Rahmani M., Miroshnichenko A.E., Lei D.Y., Luk’yanchuk B., Tribelsky M.I., Kuznetsov A.I., Kivshar Yu.S., Francescato Y., Giannini V., Hong M.H., Maier S.A., «Beyond the Hybridization Effects in Plasmonic Nanoclusters: Diffraction-Induced Enhanced Absorption and Scattering», Small, Volume 9, Issue 18, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201301419, published online: 3 Sep 2013
- Zhou Y., Chen X.Y., Fu Y.H., Vienne G., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk’yanchuk B., «Fabrication of large-area 3D optical fishnet metamaterial by laser interference lithography», Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 123116 (2013), 23 Sept 2013
- Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Fu Y.H., Viswanathan V., Rahmani M., Valuckas V., Kivshar Y., Pickard D.S., Luk`yanchuk B., «Split-ball resonator», arXiv:1309.7106v1 [physics, optics], 27 Sept 2013
- Krasnok A.E., Belov P.A., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk`yanchuk B.S, Kivshar Y.S., «All-Dielectric Optical Nanoantennas», Chapter 6 in «Progress in Compact Antennas», pp. 143-175, Ed. Laure Huitema, ISBN 978-953-51-1723-0, InTech, Published: Sept 10, 2014
- Krivitsky L.A., Wang J.J., Wang Z.B., Lukiyanchuk B., «Locomotion of microspheres for imaging and light focusing applications», arXiv:1307.5595v2, [physics.optics] (2013), 24 Sept 2013
- Huang K., Ye H.P., Teng J.H., Yeo S.P., Luk`yanchuk B., Qiu C.-W., «Optimization-free Super-oscillatory Lens using Phase and Amplitude Masks», Laser & Photonics Reviews, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201300123, 6 Nov 2013
- Tsiatmas A., Atmatzakis E., Papasimakis N., Fedotov V., Luk`yanchuk B., Zheludev N.I., de Abajo F.J.G., «Optical generation of intense ultrashort magnetic pulses at the nanoscale», New Journal of Physics, Vol.15, 113035 (18pp), (2013)
- Krivitsky L.A., Wang J.J., Wang Z.B., Luk’yanchuk B., «Locomotion of microspheres for super-resolution imaging», Scientific Reports, Vol.3, 3501 (2013), DOI: 10.1038/srep03501, published 16 December 2013
- Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Fu Y.H., Viswanathan V., Rahmani M., Valuckas V., Pan Z.Y., Kivshar Y., Pickard D.S., Luk`yanchuk B., «Split-ball resonator as a three-dimensional analogue of planar split-rings», Nature Communications 5, 3104 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4104, published 16 January 2014
- Tribelsky M.I., Luk`yanchuk B.S., «Light Scattering by Small Particles and Their Light Heating: New Aspects of the Old Problems», Chapter 6 in «Fundamentals of Laser-Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies», Ed. by V.P.Veyko and V.I. Konov, Springer, pp. 125-146, June 2014
- Luk`yanchuk B.S., Wang Z.B., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Yu.S., Kuznetsov A.I., Gao D.L., Lei Gao, Qiu C.-W., «Nano-Fano resonances and topological optics», Chapter 9 in «Singular and Chiral Nanoplasmonics», Ed. by S.V. Boriskina and N.I. Zheludev, Pan Stanford Publishing, pp. 285-310, June 2014
- Wan C., Huang K, Han T.C., Leong E.S.P., Ding W., Zhang L., Yeo T-S., Yu X., Teng J.H., Lei D.Y., Maier S.A., Luk’yanchuk B., Zhang S., Qiu C-W., «Three-dimensional visible light capsule enclosing perfect super-sized darkness via anti-resolution», Laser & Photonics Reviews, DOI 10.1002/lpor.201400006, July 2014
- Luk`yanchuk B.S., Wang Z.B., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Yu.S., Kuznetsov A.I., Gao D.L., Lei Gao, Qiu C.-W., «Nano-Fano resonances and topological optics», Chapter 9 in «Singular and Chiral Nanoplasmonics», Ed. by S.V. Boriskina and N.I. Zheludev, Pan Stanfor, Publishing, pp. 285-310, ISBN: 9789814613170, Published: Sept 2014
- Gao D., Novitsky A., Zhang T., Cheong F.C., Gao L., Lim C.T., Luk'yanchuk B., Qiu C.-W., «Unveiling the correlation between non-diffracting tractor beam and its singularity in Poynting vector», Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. DOI 10.1002/lpor.201400071, 6 November 2014
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Evlyukhin A.B., Yu Y.F., Bakker R.M., Chipouline A., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk`yanchuk B., Chichkov B.N., Kivshar Y.S., «Seeing the unseen: observation of an anapole with dielectric nanoparticles», arXiv:1412.0299v1 [physics.optics], 30 Nov 2014
- Luk`yanchuk B.S., Voshchinnikov N.V., Paniagua-Dominguez R., Kuznetsov A.I., «Optimum Forward Light Scattering by Spherical and Spheroidal Dielectric Nanoparticles with High Refractive Index», arXiv:1412.2861 [physics.optics], 9 Dec 2014
- Bakker R., Permyakov D., Ye Yu, Markovich D., Paniagua-Dominguez R., Gonzaga L., Samusev A., Kivshar Y., Luk`yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A., «Magnetic and Electric Hotspots with Silicon Nanodimers», Nano Letters, Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp. 2137-2142, 18 February 2015
- Permyakov D., Sinev I., Markovich D., Ginzburg P., Samusev A., Belov P., Valuckas V., Kuznetsov A., Luk’yanchuk B., Miroshnichenko A., Neshev D., Kivshar Y., «Probing magnetic and electric optical responses of silicon nanoparticles», Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, 171110 (2015), April 2015
- Huang K., Liu H., Garcia-Vidal F.J., Hong M.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Teng J.H., Qiu C.-W., «Ultrahigh-Capacity Non-Periodic Photon Sieves Operating in Visible Light», Nature Communications 6, 7059 |DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8059| (2015), 5 May 2015
- Luk`yanchuk B., Voshchinnikov N., Paniagua-Dominguez R., Kuznetsov A., «Optimum Forward Light Scattering by Spherical and Spheroidal Dielectric Nanoparticles with High Refractive Index», ACS Photonics 2, pp. 993-999 (2015) / DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00261, published on line 17 June 2015
- Paniagua-Dominguez R., Yu Y.F., Miroschnichenko A.E., Krivitsky L.A., Fu Y.H., Valuckas V., Gonzaga L., Toh Y.T., Kay A.Y.S., Luk'yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A.I., «Generalized Brewster-Kerker effect in dielectric metasurfaces», arXiv:1506.08267 [physics.optics], 27 Jun 2015
- Yu Y.F., Zhu A.Y., Paniagua-Dominguez R., Fu Y.H, Luk’yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A.I., «High Transmission Dielectric Metasurface with 2? Phase Control at Visible Wavelengths», Laser & Photonics Reviews 9, No. 4, pp. 412-418 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/lpor.201500041, published on line 26 June 2015
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Evlyukhin A.B., Yu Y.F., Bakker R.M., Chipouline A., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk’yanchuk B., Chichkov B.N., Kivshar Y.S., «Nonradiating anapole modes in dielectric nanoparticles», Nature Communications 6, 8069, doi: 10.1038/ncomms9069 (2015)
- Gao D.L., Gao L., Novitsky A., Chen H.L., Luk’yanchuk B., «Topological effects in anisotropy-induced nano-Fano resonance of a cylinder», Optics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 17, pp. 4162-4165, September 1, 2015
- Mehmood M.Q, Liu H., Huang K., Zhang M.S., Shengtao M., Danner A., Luk’yanchuk B., Zhang S., Teng J.H., Maier S., Qiu C-W., «Broadband Spin-Controlled Focusing via Flat Log-spiral Nanoslits», Laser & Photonics Reviews, Vol. 9, DOI 10.1002/lpor.201500116, 25 Sept. 2015
- Paniagua-Dominguez R., Yu Y.F., Miroshnichenko A.E., Krivitsky l.A., Fu Y.H., Valuckas V., Gonzaga L., Toh Y.T., Kay A.Y.S., Luk'yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A.I., «Generalized Brewster effect in dielectric metasurfaces», Nature Communications 7, 10362 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10362 |19 Jan 2016
- Huang K., Dong Z., Mei S., Zhang L., Liu Y., Liu H., Zhu H., Teng J.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Yang J.K.W., Qiu C.-W., «Silicon multi-meta-holograms for the broadband visible light», Laser & Photonics Reviews, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201500314, published on line 13 Apr 2016
- Zhu A.Y., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk’yanchuk B., Engheta N., Genevet P., «Traditional and emerging materials for optical metasurfaces», Nanophotonics, 2016, DOI 10.1515/nanoph-2016-0032 published by De Gruyter Open
- Luk`yanchuk B.S., Paniagua-Dominguez R., Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Yu.S, «Suppression of scattering for small dielectric particles: an anapole mode and invisibility», arXiv:1607.02838v1 [physics.optics], 11 Jul 2016
- Sinev I., Iorsh I., Bogdanov A., Permyakov D., Komissarenko F., Mukhin I., Samusev A., Valuckas V., Kuznetsov A.I., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Y.S., «Polarization control over electric and magnetic dipole resonances of dielectric nanoparticles on metallic films», Laser & Photonics Reviews, published on line 3 Aug 2016
- Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Brongersma M.L, Kivshar Y.S., Luk`yanchuk B., «Optically resonant dielectric nanostructures», Science 354, aag2472 (2016), DOI: 10.1126/science.aag2472, 18 Nov 2016
- Luk`yanchuk B.S., Paniagua-Dominguez R., Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Yu.S., «Suppression of scattering for small dielectric particles: an anapole mode and invisibility», Philosophical Transaction Royal Society A 375, DOI:10.1098/ (2017)
- Valuckas V., Paniagua-Domínguez R., Fu Y.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A.I., «Direct observation of resonance scattering patterns in single silicon nanoparticles», Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 091108 (2017) 1 March 2017
- Bakker R.M., Yu Y.F., Paniagua-Domínguez R., Luk’yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A.I., «Resonant Light Guiding Along a Chain of Silicon Nanoparticles», Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b00381 (published May 2, 2017)
- Luk’yanchuk B., Paniagua-Domínguez R., Minin I., Minin O., Wang Z.B., «Refractive index less than two: Photonic nanojets yesterday, today and tomorrow», Optical Materials Express, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1820-1847 (2017), 12 May 2017
- Luk’yanchuk B., Paniagua-Domínguez R., Kuznetsov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.E., Kivshar Y.S., «Hybrid anapole modes of high-index dielectric nanoparticles», Physical Review A 95, 063820 (2017), 15 June 2017
- Miroshnichenko A.E., Filonov D., Luk'yanchuk B., Kivshar Y., «Antiferromagnetic Order in Hybrid Electromagnetic Metamaterials», New Journal of Physics 19, 083013 (2017), 14 August, 2017
- Li Z., Kim I., Zhang L., Mehmood M.Q., Anwar M.S., Saleem M., Lee D., Nam K.T., Zhang S., Luk’yanchuk B., Wang Y., Zheng G., Rho J., Qiu C.W., «Dielectric Meta-Holograms Enabled with Dual Magnetic Resonances in Visible Light», ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b04868 Published: September 12, 2017
- Hao C., Nie Z., Ye H., Li H., Luo Y., Feng R., Yu X., Wen F., Zhang Y., Yu C., Teng J.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Qiu C.W., «Three-dimensional supercritical resolved light-induced magnetic holography», Science Advances 3, e1701398 (2017), 13 October 2017
- Musorin A.I., Barsukova M.G., Shorokhov A.S., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Fedyanin A.A., «Manipulating the light intensity by magnetophotonic metasurfaces», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 14 Nov 2017
- Afinogenov B.I., Popkova A.A., Bessonov V.O., Lukyanchuk B., Fedyanin A.A., «Phase matching with Tamm plasmons for enhanced second- and third-harmonic generation», Phys. Rev. B 97, 115438 (2018), 23 March 2018
- Huang K., Qin F., Liu H., Ye H., Qiu C.W., Hong M.H., Luk’yanchuk B., Teng J.H., «Planar Diffractive Lenses: Fundamentals, Functionalities, and Applications», Advanced Materials, vol. 30, 1704556 (2018), DOI: 10.1002/adma.201704556, published online 19 April 2018
- Li Z., Dai Q., Mehmood M.Q., Hu G., Luk’yanchuk B., Tao J., Hao C., Kim I., Jeong H., Zheng G., Yu S., Al? A., Rho J., Qiu C.-W, «Full-space Cloud of Random Points with a Scrambling Metasurface», Light: Science & Applications, Vol. 7 (2018), DOI 10.1038/s41377-018-0064-3, 12 Sept 2018
- Baryshnikova K.V., Smirnova D.A., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Kivshar Y.S., «Optical anapoles in nanophotonics and meta-optics», arXiv: 1910.02515v, 5 Oct 2018
- Wang Z.B., Luk’yanchuk B., «Super-resolution imaging and microscopy by dielectric particle-lenses», arXiv: 1810.06976, December 2018
- Z. Jin, S. Mei, S. Chen, Y. Li, C. Zhang, Y. He, X. Yu, C. Yu, J.K.W. Yang, B. Luk’yanchuk, S. Xiao, C.W Qiu, «Complex Inverse Design of Meta-optics by Segmented Hierarchical Evolutionary Algorithm», ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b08333, 15 January 2019
- Baryshnikova K.V., Smirnova D.A.,Luk’yanchuk B.S., Kivshar Y.S., «Optical Anapoles: Concepts and Applications», Advanced Optical Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adom.201801350, 22 January 2019
- Wang Z.B., Luk’yanchuk B., Paniagua-Domínguez R., Yan B., Monks J., Minin O.V., Minin I.V., Huang S.M., Fedyanin A.A., «Super-resonances in microspheres: extreme effects in field localization», arXiv: 1906.09636 (2019)
- Musorin A.I., Chetvertukhin A.V., Dolgova T.V., Uchida H., Inoue M., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Fedyanin A.A., «Tunable multimodal magnetoplasmonic metasurfaces», Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 151102, 10 October 2019
- Ramón Paniagua-Domínguez, Boris Luk’yanchuk, Andrey Miroshnichenko, José A. Sánchez-Gil, «Dielectric nanoresonators and metamaterials», J. Appl. Phys. 126, 150401 (2019); 23 October 2019
- Paniagua-Domínguez, R., Luk’yanchuk B., Kuznetsov A.I., «Control of scattering by isolated dielectric nanoantennas», Chapter 3 in «Dielectric Metamaterials: Fundamentals, Designs, and Applications» (Elsevier, November 2019)
- Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B., «Super-resolution imaging and microscopy by particle-lenses», Chapter 15 in «Label-Free Super-resolution Microscopy», pp. 371-400 (Springer, 2019)
- Wang Z.B., Luk'yanchuk B., Yue L., Yan B., Monks J., Dhama R., Minin O.V., Minin I.V., Huang S., Fedyanin A.A., «High order Fano resonances and giant magnetic fields in dielectric microspheres», Scientific Reports 9, 20293, 30 Dec 2019
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- A.R. Bekirov, B.S. Luk’yanchuk, A.A. Fedyanin, «Virtual Image within a Transparent Dielectric Sphere», JETP Letters, Vol. 112, No.6, pp. 341–345 (2020)
- A.K. Ospanova, A. Basharin, A.E. Miroshnichenko, B. Luk’yanchuk, «Generalized hybrid anapole modes in all-dielectric ellipsoid particles», Optical Materials Express, Vol. 11, No.1, 414340, 1 January 2021
- I.V. Minin, O.V. Minin, Y. Cao, B. Yan, Z.B. Wang, B. Luk'yanchuk, «Photonic lenses with whispering gallery waves at Janus particles», arXiv: 2012.09489 (2020), 17 Dec 2020
- A.K. Ospanova, A.A. Basharin, A.E. Miroshnichenko, B. Luk'yanchuk, «All-dielectric ellipsoid for hybrid anapole observation», Proc. SPIE 11769, Metamaterials XIII, 117690R (18 April 2021)
- Z. Wang, B. Luk'yanchuk, L. Wu, «Roadmap for label-free imaging with microsphere superlens and metamaterial solid immersion lens», arXiv preprint, arXiv:2108.09153, 20 Aug 2021
- M.M. Bukharin, V.Y. Pecherkin, A.K. Ospanova, V.B. Il’in, L.M. Vasilyak, A.A. Basharin, B. Luk'yanchuk, «Transverse Kerker Effect in All-Dielectric Spheroidal Particles», Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.21203/, 01 Oct, 2021
- A.R. Bekirov, B.S. Luk’yanchuk, Z. Wang, A.A. Fedyanin, «Wave theory of virtual image [Invited]», Optical Materials Express 11 (11), 3646-3655, 22 Oct, 2021
- B. Luk`yanchuk, L.M. Vasilyak, V.Ya. Pecherkin, S.P. Vetchinin, V.E. Fortov, Z.B. Wang, R. Paniagua-Domínguez, A.A. Fedyanin, «Colossal magnetic fields in high refractive index materials at microwave frequencies», Scientific Reports 11, 23453 (2021), 6 Dec. 2021
- I.V. Minin, O.V. Minin, Y. Cao, B. Yan, Z.B. Wang, B. Luk’yanchuk, «Photonic lenses with whispering gallery waves at Janus particles», Opto-Electronic Science 1(2), 210008 (2022), 16 Feb. 2022